Explore an interactive exhibition that offers a fresh way to learn about whale biology, migratory routes, diets, and the remarkable bond between mothers and their calves. Discover the story of how a small group of people uncovered the mystery of whale songs, transforming global perceptions and igniting a worldwide movement to protect these majestic animals.
A journey that will forever change everything you thought you knew about these incredible creatures.
Imagine a creature as large as a school bus and weighing 40 tons—that's the humpback whale, the ocean’s gentle giant. Make a memorable connection with these magnificent creatures through a cutting-edge 3D, multi-sensory experience.
Let yourself be enveloped by their mesmerizing songs in Europe’s only fully immersive ocean experience.
Whale pregnancies last 11 months, and the calf, which is about four meters long at birth, stays close to its mother for the first year of life. During this time, the nursing calves consume around 500 liters of mother’s milk.
Every autumn, humpback whales leave their feeding grounds in Alaska after months of preparation and embark on a 3,000-mile journey to the warm waters of Hawaii, where they mate and give birth.
The whales' tails have unique marks, scars and patterns. As with our fingerprints, these marks can be used for individual identification of the whales.The unique marks, scars, and patterns on a whale’s tail are as distinctive as human fingerprints, allowing for individual identification and tracking of these gentle giants.