The Palma Aquarium Foundation in 2024: A year of achievements in marine conservation
Research, conservation and education to protect the oceans

The Palma Aquarium Foundation in 2024: A year of achievements in marine conservation

2024 was a year of major accomplishments and new challenges for the Palma Aquarium Foundation. With its sights firmly fixed on protecting marine life, the year was defined by conservation initiatives, environmental actions, research projects, and a strong commitment to environmental education. Work that remains crucial for protecting the oceans and the species that inhabit them.

Conservation projects

The Foundation’s conservation efforts had a notable impact, especially through landmark projects such as those listed below:

Petits Taurons – Acció Stellaris Project: 141 nursehound sharks were released into the Balearic Sea, contributing to the recovery of this shark species listed as endangered in the Red Book of Fish of the Balearic Islands.

Cavallets de Mar Balears Project: 789 seahorses (566 Hippocampus hippocampus and 223 Hippocampus guttulatus) were introduced into Sites of Community Importance (SCI) in the Balearic Sea, as part of an actions designed to boost the populations of these highly vulnerable species.

InGeNi-Caretta Project: 21 juvenile sea turtles were released after reaching a size and weight that would boost their chances of surviving in the wild, thanks to Head Starting programme, which involves controlled rearing in an artificial environment for between 10 and 12 months.

OCEMIB Project: This project has played a vital role in providing assistance for stranded marine life in the Balearic Islands. Of the total number of sea turtles registered, 19 were recovered and released back into their natural habitat.

These projects reflect the Foundation’s firm commitment to conserving marine biodiversity and habitats.

OCEMIB Project: Conservation and protection for marine life 

In 2024, 119 animals were recorded, including 29 cetaceans, 1 shark, and 89 sea turtles. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our technical team and volunteers, 19 sea turtles completed their recovery and were released back into their natural habitat, while 13 turtles continue on the road to recovery. This work represents a crucial step in the protection and conservation of marine wildlife and ecosystems in the Balearic Islands.

Worthy of note is the fact that 88% of the turtles that entered the centre made a full recovery. Of the total number of turtles recorded, 43% were found to have plastic in their digestive systems, and 36% were entangled in fishing nets. These findings highlight the urgent need to continue raising awareness and protecting these animals.

Research projects

In 2024, the Palma Aquarium Foundation collaborated actively with 34 institutions and published six scientific studies. Additionally, it conducted eight research projects aimed at boosting knowledge about marine species and the challenges they face. This scientific work is vital in order to be able to make informed decisions about the conservation and protection of our seas.

Environmental education: Driving awareness and action

Environmental education is one of the founding principles of the Palma Aquarium Foundation. Throughout 2024, 67 educational talks and workshops were held, involving 2,500 participants and focusing on raising awareness of the importance of protecting the oceans. Our goal is to inspire the community to take action and become part of the changes that are necessary in order to ensure a sustainable future.

Beach clean-ups

Over the course of the year, the Palma Aquarium Foundation led 12 beach clean-ups across the Balearic Islands. With the active participation of 331 volunteers, as well as technical staff, no less than 456.4 kg of waste was collected. These efforts impacted positively on the health of our seas and coastlines, not only in terms of the immediate environmental impact, but also because they promote public awareness of the importance of keeping our oceans waste-free.

A joint effort

This year, 55 volunteers have collaborated actively with us, including seven retirees participating in the “Marins Majors” programme. Every contribution matters, and none of what we achieve would be possible without their support. If you’d like to join our efforts, you can get involved through the various initiatives or make donations that will help us continue to protect the seas. Together, we are advancing towards a more sustainable future for our oceans and marine life.

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